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Workflow to add track


A typical workflow to enter a track would be as follows:

1)      If the writer(s) of the track are not in the system already, enter them by going to SETUP >> WRITERS

2)      If the publisher(s) of the track are not in the system, enter them by going to SETUP >> PUBLISHERS

3)      If you used any session musicians and they are not in the system, go to SETUP >> SESSION MUSICIANS and enter them.

4)      Now it’s time to add a track, so go to TRACKS >> ADD A TRACK

5)      The first tab is general information. Fill in any fields that you have information for. The only fields required are:

a.      Track title

b.      Track type

c.       Genre

6)      Advance to the writers tab.

a.      You should see all the writers in the system by expanding the dropdown box. If you do not see the writer of the track you are currently entering, click on the “+” icon and add their name. You can go back at a later time and add any other writer information later by going to SETUP >> WRITERS and clicking on the name of the writer.

b.      Fill in the writer’s contribution to the track.

c.       Fill in the writer percentage

d.      If you have any comments dealing with the track and writer, add them here. (this field is optional)

7)      Advance to the publishers tab

a.      Select whether the track was signed to a single publisher or if it was a co-publishing deal.

  i.      If you selected a single publisher:

1.      Select a publisher from the dropdown box. If you find that the publisher is not in the system, you can click on the “+” icon and add the company name. You can go back at a later time and add additional information about the publisher by going to SETUP >> PUBLISHERS and clicking on the name of the writer.

2.      Fill in any of the fields that you have information for. The only field that is required is the SIGNED AS field.

ii.      If you selected Co-Publishers

1.      You will see a list of publishers in the grid.  If you find that a publisher is not in the system, you can click on the “+” icon and add the company name. You can go back at a later time and add additional information about the publisher by going to SETUP >> PUBLISHERS and clicking on the name of the writer.

2.      Fill in the percentages of all the publishers involved.

3.      Fill in any of the fields that you have information for. The only field that is required is the SIGNED AS field.

8)      Advance to the musicians tab

a.      You should see all the session musicians in the system by expanding the dropdown box. If you do not see a session musician of the track you are currently entering, click on the “+” icon and add their name. You can go back at a later time and add any other musician information later by going to SETUP >> SESSION MUSICIANS and clicking on the name of the musician.

b.      Fill in any of the fields that you have information for. The only fields required are duty of musician and the work for hire status.

9)      Advance to the lyrics tab.

a.      If you are dealing with a song, you can either type in the lyrics or copy and paste from another source. This field is not required.

10)  Advance to the comments tab.

a.      Add any comments that you would have about the track. This field is not required.

11)  Advance to the metadata tab. None of these fields are required.

a.      Enter a short track description

b.      Expand the mood dropdown box and check off any mood that best fits the track. If you find that you need to add a mood, click on the “+” icon, to the right of the dropdown box.

c.       Expand the instrument dropdown box and check off all the instruments that were used to create the track. If you find that there is an instrument missing, click on the “+” icon, to the right of the dropdown box.

d.      Pick 1-3 of the best TV shows that you could picture your track being played on.

e.      Pick 1-3 artists that have a similar sound.

12)  Advance to the Performing Rights Organization tab

a.      Add the registration number and date registered. None of these fields are required.

13)  Advance to the music files tab

a.      If you have an audio file of the track that you are entering, click on the “Select Directory to View” button and navigate to the directory where the file is located. Adding audio tracks is not required.

b.      After you select the directory, you will see the white box fill up with any audio files that are in that directory. Find your audio file and click on it.

c.       You will notice a music player appear at the bottom of the tab. You can hit the play button to listen to the track. If you want to add the track, click on the “Add Music” button.

d.      After you hit the button, Composer Catalog will ask you if it is the main mix. You may have a situation where you have the main mix, bed mix, stinger, etc. You can link all of these tracks, if you want. For any alternate mixes, just select “no” when Composer Catalog asks you if it is a main mix. If you find that you made a mistake and want to remove a track, find the track in the “Tracks Added” box and click on it.

You should now have all the information needed to add the track to your catalog. If you feel that you need to review, you can click on any of the tabs and go over the information. When you find that you are ready to add the track, just click on the “Save” button. The save button is on the right hand side of all the tabs.

You can cancel this procedure at any point by either clicking on the “cancel” button or the “x”, on the top right of the form.