If you purchased Composer Catalog, you should have received a license key in an email (if you did not, please send an email to

If you are using the trial version, this section is not applicable.

When you first start Composer Catalog, a pop up will appear (if you have not already registered your key):

To install a license key on an online computer:

  1. Go to PREFERENCES, under Composer Catalog, and navigate to LICENSE

  1. Copy and paste the key that was sent to you in the email
  2. Click the INSTALL button

To install a license key on a offline computer:

  1. Go to PREFERENCES, under Composer Catalog, and navigate to LICENSE
  1. Copy and paste the key that was sent to you in the email
  2. Click the INSTALL button
  3. It will ask you to save a file to your hard drive
  4. Take that file to a computer that is online and go to and upload the file that you just saved to your hard drive.
  5. Save the license key that is generated
  6. On the machine that has Composer Catalog installed, copy and paste that key into the License Key textbox and click the INSTALL button

Save license:

It's always a good idea to make a backup of your license file. Click the SAVE LICENSE button to perform this operation.

Uninstall license:
If you are moving to a different computer, you should uninstall your license from the original and then install it on the new computer.

The license for Composer Catalog can be used on one computer at a time. If you need to move the program to a different computer (or doing something like formatting your C:\ drive), you will need to

2) Click on the Save License button and put the file in a safe location
3) Then click Uninstall License
4) Now you can reinstall Composer Catalog on a new machine or your current machine (if you did something like formatted your C:\ drive) and load your license by clicking the Load License button